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Primary School

Pursue Possibilities

Love Learning

Starting school is a very special and exciting time in a child’s life and here at Robert Arkenstall Primary School, we strive to ensure that the transition between home and school is as smooth as possible. We work in partnership with parents, carers and pre-schools to help the children to settle into school life quickly.

These are some of the things we have in place to make this happen;

  • Parents/carers are invited into school for an information evening. There is the opportunity to visit the classrooms, sample school dinners, order school uniform and to chat to staff.


  • Children are invited to visit the school on two occasions. Wherever possible, we try to ensure that children visit with others from their pre-school. We also invite pre-school staff to help support the children during these visits and to provide a welcome familiar face!


  • Staff visit the children in their pre-school setting to get to know the children in an environment where they feel confident.


  • Children and parents/carers are invited to school to have a school lunch together.


  • In September, staff visit children at home. These visits help us to form individual, positive relationships with the children and are a good opportunity to ask any questions just before the children start school.


We look forward to working with you as your child starts school and begins a new chapter in their learning and development.