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Primary School

Pursue Possibilities

Love Learning

Latest News
  • This week was Anti-Bullying week and the
    theme has been ‘Make a noise about

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  • This week we invited parents into school for an introduction to Key Stage One

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  • Sports Day 2002 took place on Friday 1st July and was a huge success...

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  • Please keep an eye on this page for photographs of Year 6s escapades at Caythorpe this week...

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  • On Friday 29th April a group of 31 children, accompanied by members of staff, travelled to the World Resorts Arena in Birmingham to perform as part of the Young Voices choir.


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  • This week we were delighted to invite G's Fresh in for a visitor assembly...

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    Pupil Experiences
    • On the Field at lunchtime. Playing with Premier Sport football. Very Happy because I scored for the first time ever.

    • In Mercury class, having a roman feast. Very happy.

    • In the hall, singing in the school production. Happy, excited and enjoying myself.

    • Enjoying art club at lunchtime. So proud of my best painting ever!

    • Excited and Happy. Meeting my 'Buddy' for the first time. Looking forward to sharing experiences with them.

    • Enjoying taking part in 'Bikeability' on the playground. So much fun, it's brilliant.