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Primary School

Pursue Possibilities

Love Learning

Robert Arkenstall Primary School's Travel Plan sets out how staff, pupils and parents will be encouraged to travel to school by sustainable travel modes including walking, scooting, cycling and where appropriate* the school bus.

The aims of the plan are:

  • To reduce the number of car trips for journeys to and from the school and to other locations by staff and pupils;
  • To encourage pupils, parents and staff to travel to the school by walking, scooting, cycling and utilising the school bus service*;
  • To encourage visitors and contractors to access the school sustainably;
  • To reduce the environmental impact of the school run.

The school has signed up to the Modeshift STARS accreditation scheme
Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition for Schools) which provides a national framework for the implementation of sustainable travel activities. This will help us to determine our progress towards targets. We are very pleased to have recently achieved a Bronze Stars award.

Our Travel Plan Co-ordinator is Mrs Ritchie - she works closely with the Road Safety Team at Cambridgeshire County Council to co-ordinate the implementation of the School Travel Plan measures and reports back on the effectiveness of the initiatives developed by the school.

If you have any questions about travel to school, please contact the school office (

* to access the school bus, pupils must meet a certain criteria with regards to distance from school - please see the Cambridgeshire County Council website for further details