Science Week Round Up!

Awesome Science Week!
Last week (13 - 17th March) was Science Week at Robert Arkenstall and what a great time we had looking at various aspects of Science. Lots of different experiments and investigations could be seen taking place all around the school.
There's too much to fit it all in but here is a round up of some of the exciting investigations the children took part in.......
In Key Stage 1 the children looked at reactions with Lemonade and popping candy! They used this reaction to blow up balloons! To do this some popping candy was put in a ballon. The balloon was then attached to a bottle of lemonade (being careful not to let the popping candy fall into the bottle). Then the ballon was lifted to let the candy fall into the lemonade. Ask your child what happened and see if they can remember why?
They also looked at an experiment using Milk, Food Colouring and Washing up liquid. Saucers of milk had food colouring added. Then a drop of washing up liquid was added and.........
it exploded the colours!
Here is a link explaining it all and there are step by step instructions for you to try it at home.
Moon class were very lucky to have an erupting volcano as well! Take a look!
Wow! That was exciting! A bit of baking powder and vinegar - so simple!
In Lower KS2 they looked at skeletons!! Animal skeletons, then human ones, then they made some reticulated models themselves using split pins in the joints.
Then they tried an investigation - Are ALL the bones of taller people longer than shorter people? Lots of measuring and comparing going on!
They even made skeleton pictures in art!
Upper KS2 had loads of fun with various experiments and investigations - we have already told you about the poor gummy bears who were dropped into various liquids! Ask your child what happened to them - some of them looked very sad...... (and rather gloopy).
Lots of fun in Jupiter class making bouncy balls which were actually liquid!
The balls were made from borax and PVA glue but if you leave them lying around you will find they flatten into a 'puddle' - very strange! Some people call this slime!
Also in Jupiter class the children looked at changing states and how flour and water can be changed into a solid with the help of yeast and heat - ok, it's called making bread! They also made some soup to go with it - carrot and coriander - yummy!
Here is a time lapse video of the bread rising...
Upper KS2 also tried out the milk with food colouring experiment and they also did an investigation to find out how many 'Supertasters' we had. Supertasters are people who can taste things much more than other people. This involved lots of blue food colouring and giggling as everyone had their tongue examined.
Click on the tongue to go to the BBC website where you can find out more and try it at home! -------->
To finish off the week there was an assembly where everyone shared the exciting investigations they had been doing in the week. Everybody agreed it had been a lot of fun!
WE LOVE SCIENCE - it's awesome
Thanks to the Staff for organising lots of fun activities!
See all our videos on our Vimeo page and go to our Gallery page on this website for more photos from Science Week.