
Year 5 and 6 get a visitor.......
This term the year 5 and 6 children are studying 'Metamorphosis'. This is a change in the form and often habits of an animal during normal development after the embryonic stage. Metamorphosis includes, in insects, the transformation of a maggot into an adult fly and a caterpillar into a butterfly and, in amphibians, the changing of a tadpole into a frog.
The children were very lucky to have a visit from a member of the British Dragonfly Society on Wednesday 18th April. Dragonflies being another example of an insect that undergoes metamorphosis.
He gave the children a very interesting insight into the life cycle and habits of Dragonflies. He had brought along some Dragonflies preserved in resin for the children to look at and also some larvae. He had lots of interesting facts to share.
The children made their own dragonflies from pipe cleaners and paper.
Over the next few weeks the children will also be looking after caterpillars which they will (hopefully) be able to see change into butterflies in class.
The children also received a little booklet of information - PDF below if you are interested.