Lovely New Lunches!

Lovely New Lunches - After the Easter break we see NEW menu for school lunches!
It's all change for our Lunch Menu after the Easter break. We hope more children will enjoy a school meal with the exciting improvements that are being made.
That's what the children wanted and that is what they have got. A three choice menu is being introduced with a Red, Green, Blue colour code to make it easy to understand.
RED - Red is the meat choice with items such as sausages, roast beef, meatballs, shepherds pie, chicken pasta bake....... loads more options as there is a three week rolling menu. Accompanied by vegetables, potatoes, pasta, salad bar, bread.......
GREEN - This is the vegetarian option but of course you don't need to be vegetarian to have this choice! Items such as quorn sausages, cheese quiche, bean and vegetable bake, cheese and tomato pizza...... and again a three week rolling menu - so much choice!
BLUE - This is the 'lighter' option with items such as salmon salad baguette, jacket potato with tuna and sweetcorn, cheese salad, egg and cress roll......... also with a three week rolling menu.
Don't forget there is fruit and pudding on offer every day and also yoghurt and smoothies.......
I think you'll agree there is a lot of choice on offer for the children.
Lunch is FREE for children in KS1 and if they want a school dinner they only have to choose on the day. No having to make your mind up in advance. Menus have been sent home so parents can help children decide on their choices. Then on arrival at school children will put a lolly stick with their name on in the coloured pot - red pot for meat lunch, green pot for vegetarian option and blue pot for lighter lunch. At lunch time the children will get a coloured wristband according to their choice and off they go! The catering staff will see the colour of the wristband and serve them the lunch they requested. It would be helpful if the children could get used to remembering their colour choice for lunch -
Red, green or blue today?
Menus will be pinned up in school and on the classroom doors so there will be plenty of reminders. Menus are also on display outside school.
In KS2 there is a similar system but without the lolly sticks! Children will make their choices for lunch in the morning at registration time and will be given a coloured wristband when they go to lunch.
Menu for April to October is below.
Any questions, or if you need a menu please just call in to the school office.
PDF of the menu choices is available to download below.