Please see the Contact Us tab for information about how to make an appointment to come into school. Staff are happy toil make appointments to meet with parents as part of our broad set of tools to communicate with you as partners in you children leaning.
Alternatively, you can also get a message to staff via Class Dojo, but please allow 24hrs for staff to reply. Urgent messages e.g. within a school day, should be left with the office via phone or email.
Please see your child's class page to meet the teaching team who work with the children.
Kate Bonney

Mrs Bonney was appointed Headteacher in September 2016. She knows the school well having taught at Robert Arkenstall since she moved to Cambridgeshire in 2012 and was the Deputy Headteacher from September 2013. As Headteacher she sits on all the Governor committees and leads the Senior Management Team (SMT). Mrs Bonney is the Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection and Prevent Lead for the school. Kate sits on the board of the Opportunity Area of Fenland and East Cambs. She is a member of the Academy Council of The Harbour Special SEMH school in nearby Wilburton. She works alongside the EEF and the Norwich Research School in founding the East Cambs and Fenland Evidence Network, supporting the work of Evidence Advocates who promote evidence informed practice in a rural space.
Rob Fisher
Deputy Headteacher and Year 5/6 Class Teacher (Jupiter Class)

Mr Fisher joined the school in 2013 and became Deputy Headteacher in 2016. He is one of our Safeguarding Child Protection Officers, co-ordinates assessment across the school and is the school's Pupil Premium lead.
He shares the teaching in Jupiter class with Mrs Nock and is in class on Thursdays and Fridays.
Karen Gale
KS1 Leader, SENDco and Year 2 Class Teacher (Comet class)
Mrs Gale leads her team of Key Stage 1 teachers and TA’s running a lively

and highly experienced team and liaising closely with EYFS, who share the same topic cycle. Mrs Gale teaches in Comet Class on Monday – Wednesday and works as SENDco on Thursday and Friday. In her role as SENDco she is responsible for liaising with outside agencies and all staff to ensure the best provision for all pupil. She is one of our Safeguarding Child Protection Officers and sits on the SMT.
Lisa Jaworski
KS2 Leader and Year 5/6 Class Teacher (Neptune Class)

Mrs Jaworski leads Geography drawing on her degree subject knowledge. She also leads the whole school development of Oracy working in partnership with Voice 21 to promote discussion, debate, performance and helping every child understand the value of their voice being heard. Mrs Jaworski has been a part of the Robert Arkenstall team for
many years currently teaching in Neptune class. Mrs Jaworski leads the team of teachers in Key Stage 2 and is part of the SMT.
Sally Sharpe
PPA Cover Teacher KS1 (Star Class and Sun Class)

Mrs Sharpe has enjoyed working at our school for many years and is currently one of our PPA cover teachers in KS1. Mrs Sharpe teaches on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. She supports Phonics intervention and is an Early Years specialist and particularly enjoys sharing the children’s amazing creative ideas.
Rebecca Daniels
PPA Cover Teacher KS1 & KS2

Mrs Daniels has taught here for several years both within Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 1. She is currently job sharing in Moon Class with Mrs Swift. She loves supporting PE having been a very active and dedicated swimmer in a former life!
Hazel Swift
Year 1/2 Class teacher (Moon Class)

Mrs Swift teaches part-time in Moon Class alongside Mrs Daniels, and joined the team in 2013. She has a passion for the creative arts and enjoys teaching through the use of film, music and movement. She leads maths and is responsible for the School Council.
Carolyn Allen
Year 2 Class teacher (Comet Class)

Mrs Allen has been a part of the Robert Arkenstall team for many years and currently job shares with Mrs Gale teaching in Comet class on Thursday – Friday. Mrs Allen loves getting her wellies on to go outdoors with the children. She is also the Reading Leader for KS1.
Dan Carless
Year 3/4 Class teacher (Mercury Class)

Mr Carless joined Robert Arkenstall in 2014 and teaches full time in Mercury class, where he brings learning to life through his love of film and music. Mr Carless is a keen sportsman and enjoys art too. He is the English lead.
Eve Beaumont
Year 3/4 Class Teacher (Earth Class)
Mrs Beaumont joined us in the spring term 2020 and joined the Lower Key Stage 2 team. Mrs Beaumont has taught both in English and in International schools during her career to date, returning from three years teaching in China in 2019. Mrs Beaumont is our History leader for Key Stage 2.
Natasha Hew-Martin
Early Years Foundation Stage (Sun Class)
Miss Hew-Martin joined us in 2017 in KS2 to teach Year 4 and is now enjoying a new role as EYFS teacher in Sun class. She is a home-grown teacher having previously attended Robert Arkenstall Primary as a pupil. She loves sharing new picture books with the children. When she is not at school she enjoys trips to the cinema and in the holidays is a keen traveller - she has visited Mexico and Malaysia and her next stop is India!
David Hodge
Year 5/6 Class Teacher (Mars Class)
Mr Hodge joined Robert Arkenstall in 2013 and teaches Year 5/6 in Mars Class. With a background in I.T. and a love of sport, he unsurprisingly leads both Computing and P.E. Within these roles, he's been working to ensure that all our e-safety planning and policies are up-to-date and that we have plenty of sporting events to attend.
Mr Hodge also loves a game of bingo and he can regularly be found calling out the balls (often whilst dressed in an absurd costume).
Aiysha Lloyd
Year R/1 Class Teacher (Star Class)

Miss Lloyd teaches Year R and 1 children in Star Class. She has a love of reading and hopes to enthuse the children by sharing some of her favourite stories. Miss Lloyd shares the leadership of Art and DT looking after KS1. Away from school she loves to try food from a variety of other countries but her favourite is an Indian curry.
Lucy Maynard
Music Specialist and PPA Cover

Mrs Maynard works across school teaching music and also is a PPA cover teacher in years 3 and 4. She teaches music to all pupils, leads singing practise, runs the choir and teaches recorder to huge numbers of children. Each year she supports the school productions and leads our amazing Spring Music concert, accompanying many of the children herself.
Alix Ritchie
Year 1/2 Teacher (Moon Class)

Mrs Ritchie joined our team in 2015 as a PPA cover teacher and currently shares the teaching of Moon Class with Mrs Swift. She brings her own skills in RE and History, which she leads for KS1. Mrs Ritchie also leads the school on its travel plan and works with our Travel Ambassadors to make sure we all keep safe in our journeys to school
Denise Nock
Year 5/6 Teacher (Jupiter Class)

Mrs Nock joined in 2017 to cover maternity leave and liked us so much she stayed. She currently teaches in Jupiter class Monday-Wednesday, sharing with Mr Fisher. Mrs Nock is responsible for Art and DT leadership for KS2. Among her many creative talents, Mrs Nock creates beautiful scenery for our school productions. She loves the outdoors, walking her beloved dog, Ladybird, and also has a soft spot for pigs.
Becky Layfield
Year 3/4 Teacher (Saturn Class)

Mrs Layfield joined the Lower KS2 team in 2019, teaching Saturn Class full time and leading PSHE and RE throughout the school. She has lived and taught abroad, in the Middle East and Central Asia and loves sharing her passions for reading and learning more about our amazing world with children. When she's not in school, Mrs Layfield can be found trying out new recipes in the kitchen or pottering in her garden.