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Primary School

Pursue Possibilities

Love Learning

Anti Bullying Week

Anti Bullying Week

Anti bullying week started with an assembly to tell the children about activities that they would take part in during the week.  The theme was

'All Different, All Equal'

We were  looking at our own individual 'Uniqueness', how different we all are and being tolerant of people who seem different to us.

The learnt about children who had been bullied because they were different, and how this can make you feel.  We also discussed what we should do if someone is being made to feel sad and upset and how we can help them.

Each child picked a piece of paper – they then drew around their hand, cut it out and decorated it any way they like – it could include things about them, pictures of things that are special to them, people that are special to them.  Then, when they were finished, everyone went around looking at the hands to see the differences and the similarities.  Finally the hands were all put together to form a class wreath of hands.  Every part of the wreath is different but together we are one special and unique class.

The week ended with another assembly to look at what had been learnt.  The children showed their wreaths of hands they had made.